Want to try bronze makeup or party makeup or do you wish to do gothic or grunge makeup? Whatever you may try to be confident about yourself. Being a professional makeup artist, I often find people asking me the same questions about my secrets of becoming a beauty boss and a professional makeup artist. The answer is simple. I follow the rules. Yes, it seems a bit odd but being a beauty boss is simple until you follow a few simple rules.
Confident woman
Whatever makeup you may wear, your smile should justify it all. Your face should have the confidence to face all the negative remarks you may get and if you find them valid, of working on them the next time. Never be ashamed if people don’t like your hairstyle or dress, if you are comfortable in it, go for it.
If you wish to know the brands I’d recommend or which global makeup lines is the best in the market, check the link above. It doesn’t really matter what the brand is until the product is verified and tested by genuine laboratories to confirm that the product they deliver is the best in class and a genuine product, safe for you.
Woman Applying Facial Moisturizer
Prepare your skin before applying the makeup. It helps your skin to retain the glow long after applying the makeup. A little moisturizer, followed by similar quantity of foundation and very light face powder would do the trick. Apply primer for makeup to last through the day.
Many people often forget taking care of little things leads to perfection. Always use a beauty blender to perfectly apply foundation. While making strokes on your brows, make thin and hair like strokes to give it a total natural look. Use smaller brush while coloring the edges of your hairs to give them a perfect shade.
Two women testing beauty products
Not everything you see in the market needs to be on your face. Know the type of makeup you need and the therefore the needs of tools and cosmetics you’d need. Apply them with care. Be precise with products like eyeliner or mascara as a small deviation could lead to devastation.
Always keep in check the amount of blends or cosmetics you use. Always try to find shades that go on with the rest of your makeup. A little too much and it’d blemish the whole effect. Always apply makeup in bright light.
Hope the little tricks would help you to look the best.
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